Upcoming Shows & Judges

2024 Shows with Smooth Classes


Breed Club Open Shows 2024


Birmingham & District FTC

FTC of Scotland

FTC of Wales

Smooth Fox Terrier Association


Championship Shows with Smooth Classes 2024 (No CCs)



Boston 05/07/24 Mr M Ord

Southern Counties



City of Birmingham

South Wales KA


Championship Shows with CC’s for Smooths 2024


Manchester 20/01/2024. Mr P Davies

Crufts 11/03/2024 Mr K Jones

National Terrier 06/04/24 Miss E Hannar

S.F.T.A. 20/04/24 Mr J Hartigan

Birmingham National 12/05/24 Mr T Johnston

SKC 16/05/24 Mrs F Chapman-King

Bath 29/05/24 Mr M Oxley

Three Counties 08/06/24 Mr A Goodsell

Border Union 16/06/24 Mr G Wright

Blackpool 23/06/24 Mr A Johnston

Windsor 30/06/24 Mr S Watson

Leeds 28/07/24 Mrs P Hollings

The Fox Terrier Club 03/08/24 Mrs M Hughes

WKC 16/08/24 Mrs J Miller

Richmond 08/09/24 TBC

Darlington 13/09/24 Mr D Shields

Belfast 28/09/24 TBC

FTC of Wales 06/10/24 Mr E Allen

FTC of Scotland 09/11/24 Mr J Smith

LKA 12/12/24 Mr P Bakewell